Elle's Rose

Caution, A Quiet Mind Speaks Loudest.

Dear. Future.

Dear You -

I know you are in the midst of a lot of change. I know your mind is in total chaos and your heart no longer knows who to trust. We have spoken before so you know that I understand exactly where you are . . . been there, done that and I too had to roll.

I don't know where we are headed but I have to say that I have prayed that it is in the right way. I am not trying to rush you because I understand that healing and trusting again might take some time. But please believe me when I say, I want to love you until that hurt is no longer on your mind. I want to create memories with you to make you forget the sadness ever existed. I want to love you, all of you, whole and true.

I prayed for you . . . well you know, not you in particular but, you. I prayed to God to show me that I did not have to settle for the men who approached me who had absolutely nothing going for them. Despite the naysayers, through study and prayer, I knew that I didn't have to give up . . . my Boaz, my equally yolked man, my equal . . . was somewhere out there waiting for me. And then came you.

And while the circumstances may not be ideal, I believe there is a lesson in this as well. Patience. Not everything in life is going to be handed to you . . . sometimes you have to work for it, sometimes you have to wait for it. But in waiting, you can put a mighty effort into the foundation . . . friendship.

You are my friend. I learn more and more about you the more time we spend together. We have created some unique and fun memories every time we link up. Let's create some more . . . to my future, let's ride this sh*t out!